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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lack Absorptive Capacity
src: defarch.files.wordpress.com

In business administration, absorptive capacity has been defined as "a firm's ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends". It is studied on individual, group, firm, and national levels. Antecedents are prior-based knowledge (knowledge stocks and knowledge flows) and communication. Studies involve a firm's innovation performance, aspiration level, and organizational learning. It has been said that in order to be innovative an organization should develop its absorptive capacity.

Video Absorptive capacity

Cohen and Levinthal's model

The concept of absorptive capacity was first defined as a firm's "ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends" by Cohen and Levinthal. For them, absorptive capacity depends greatly on prior related knowledge and diversity of background. Therefore, they've put the investments a firm makes in its research and development efforts ("R&D") central to their model of development of absorptive capacity. The absorptive capacity is seen as cumulative, meaning that it is easier for a firm to invest on a constant basis in its absorptive capacity than investing punctually. Efforts put to develop absorptive capacity in one period will make it easier to accumulate it in the next one.

"The cumulativeness of absorptive capacity and its effect on expectation formation suggest an extreme case of path dependence in which once a firm ceases investing in its absorptive capacity in a quickly moving field, it may never assimilate and exploit new information in that field, regardless of the value of that information."

Absorptive capacity is also said to be a reason for companies to invest in R&D instead of simply purchasing the results post factum (e.g. patents). Internal R&D teams increase the absorptive capacity of a company. A firm's investment in R&D then impacts directly its absorptive capacity. The more a firm invests in research and development activities, the more it will be able to fully appreciate the value of new external information.

Cohen and Levinthal also stressed that diversity allows individual to make "novel associations and linkages". They therefore encourage the hiring of diverse teams in order to have a variety of individuals working together and exposing themselves to other ways of looking at things.

Maps Absorptive capacity

Zahra and George's model

Cohen and Levinthal have focused a lot on investments in R&D to develop one's absorptive capacity, but many other researchers showed later on that several other areas could be explored to develop an organization's absorptive capacity. This led to a review of the concept by Shaker Zahra and Gerry George and a reformulation of the definition that expanded greatly the concept and further defined it as being made of two different absorptive capacities: potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity. Their new definition of absorptive capacity is: "a set of organizational routines and processes by which firms acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit knowledge to produce a dynamic organizational capability."

Potential Absorptive Capacity

Zahra and George presented the potential absorptive capacity is made of two elements. First there is knowledge acquisition which "refers to a firm's capability to identify and acquire externally generated knowledge that is critical to its operations." Second, there is assimilation capability which "refers to the firm's routines and processes that allow it to analyze, process, interpret and understand the information obtained from external sources." "Potential absorptive capacity makes the firm receptive to acquiring and assimilating external knowledge."

Realized Absorptive Capacity

Realized absorptive capacity is made up of transformation capability on one hand that can be defined as "a firm's capability to develop and refine the routines that facilitate combining existing knowledge and the newly acquired and assimilated knowledge." On the other hand, realized absorptive capacity is also made of the exploitation capability of a firm which is basically the capacity of a firm to apply the newly acquired knowledge in product or services that it can get financial benefit from. "Realized absorptive capacity is a function of the transformation and exploitation capabilities."

Zahra and George go on to suggest a series of indicators that can be used to evaluate each element of absorptive capacity.

  • Knowledge acquisition capability (the number of years of experience of the R&D department, the amount of R&D investment)
  • Assimilation capability (the number of cross-firm patent citations, the number of citations made in a firm's publications to research developed in other firms)
  • Transformation capability (the number of new product ideas, the number of new research projects initiated)
  • Exploitation capability (the number of patent, the number of new product announcements, the length of product development cycle)

George and his colleagues (Zou, Ertug, George, 2018) conduct a meta-analysis of absorptive capacity and they find that: (1)Absorptive capacity is a strong predictor of innovation and knowledge transfer, and its effects on financial performance are fully mediated by innovation and knowledge transfer; (2) The firm size-absorptive capacity relationship is positive for small firms but negative for larger firms. The firm age-absorptive capacity relationship is negative for mature firms and not significant for young firms; (3) Social integration mechanisms, knowledge infrastructure, management support, and relational capability all have a positive and significant impact on the absorptive capacity-innovation relationship (whereas they do not find the breadth of external search or competitive intensity to impact that relationship). Environmental dynamism has a marginally significant negative impact on the absorptive capacity-innovation relationship; and (4) They also find that the absorptive capacity-innovation relationship is stronger when absorptive capacity is measured by surveys rather than when absorptive capacity is measured by archival proxies.

Expatriate Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity, and ...
src: amj.aom.org

Other research on the subject

Researches on subjects related to the development of absorptive capacity have included studies focusing on research and development, knowledge management, organizational structures, human resources, external interactions, internal interactions, social capital, supplier integration, client integration and inter-organizational fit. All those researches provide a better picture of absorptive capacity that makes it possible for any firm to develop its absorptive capacity improving different areas of their organization.

Today the theory involves organizational learning, industrial economics, the resource-based view of the firm and dynamic capabilities. This theory has undergone major refinement, and today a firm's absorptive capacity is mostly conceptualized as a dynamic capability.

Two concepts related to absorptive capacity are:

  • Receptivity: The firm's overall ability to be aware of, identify and take effective advantage of technology.
  • Innovative Routines: Practiced routines that define a set of competencies the firm is capable of doing confidently and the focus of the firm's innovation efforts.

October 26, th US AEE / IAEE North American Conference - ppt download
src: slideplayer.com

See also

  • Innovation
  • Change management
  • Adaptive capacity
  • Culture barriers and absorptive capacity

Absorptive Capacity is Key to Improving Productivity in Wales ...
src: ppiw.org.uk

Notes and references

Source of article : Wikipedia